A 501(c)(3) Community Organization
Healing. Engaging. Restoring. Empowering... at The Well.

Restoring the Narrative of Every Woman back to Her
The ReNEW Her project will focus on healing and restoring the lives of Black Women and Girls after being incarcerated and released from prison or jail. Through the ReNEW Her project, The Well Experience used evidence-based methods and healing activities while utilizing the power of art. Using poetry, spoken word, yoga, pottery making, painting, and other forms of art, ReNEW Her inspires healing, restoration, and empowerment while reconnecting women to society through service learning projects that bring light to their traumatic experiences, with love and support that heals.

The ReNEW Her (REstoring the Narrative of Every Woman back to Her) project is funded by Illinois Humanities and Envisioning Justice community grants.
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